GB Cap Presentation

17 May 2023
GB Cap Presentation

On Monday evening we hosted The Hockey Museum and a number of guests as we celebrated the hockey careers of four players. The Hockey Museum have undergone a painstaking process of identifying each and every person to have represented GB in hockey, and award a cap with the sequenced number of when they made their debut.

Firstly we welcomed Chris, cousin of Tony Robinson. He received a cap in honour of his cousin, presented by Mike Smith of The Hockey Museum. Then Nick Thompson received a cap for both himself and his wife, Jo Ellis. Both Nick and Jo are former 1st XI players with impressive records representing GB. They are both highly influential coaches who have had a huge impact on the hockey careers of many kids and adults in Cambridgeshire, as well as current and former GB / England internationals.

Finally we saw Diane, wife of the late, great, “Olympic” Dave Wilman receive his cap. Diane was joined by her daughter, her son in law and grand daughter. His legend lives on through the club and the affectionate nickname of our base - 'The Olympic Dave Arena'. It was a joy to hear and tell stories of Dave’s impact on the 1st XI, the Veterans, Summer Hockey and beyond. We were also joined by his former 1st XI captain, and CCHC Vice President, Peter Wrench who drove all the way from Bath to join us.

Olympic Dave embodied everything we love about our sport; the competitiveness, the hard work, the skill and the community spirit. Thank you to The Hockey Museum for their work, Tim Ireland for arranging everything and all those who attended this unique celebration!

📷 Simon Webb

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