Get Involved

Volunteers are the lifeblood of community sport – without them, a large proportion of grassroots sport and physical activity simply wouldn't happen. CCHC is no different - we are a club run by members, for the members. 

You don't have to be a qualified coach, or great at hockey, or have always played it, to volunteer. Everybody has something to offer. 

Why Volunteer?

  • To give back to hockey and the wider hockey community.
  • Be a part of your club's success & development.
  • Feel part of the wider hockey family.
  • Let the hockey family broaden your personal skills & experiences.
  • Use professional skills to benefit the hockey family.
  • Try something new.
  • Enjoyment!

How can you help?

Some people are able to give more time than others, and any help members or their parents can offer is much appreciated. There are a wide variety of roles within the club, and whether it’s organising socials, helping with our PR, pulling on an umpire shirt, or doing the admin, there is always room for more help!

And with the recent and planned growth of CCHC, there’s even more to do.

In addition we would love to see Young Leaders get involved in helping to deliver hockey within the club.

If you would like to help, check out the info on this page, or contact:

Caroline Fletcher

Club Secretary - to discuss committee roles or for general enquiries.

Stuart Rye

Youth section Chair - to discuss volunteer roles in the youth section

Young Leaders

We are keen to support any junior who wishes to take on a Young Leader role within the club, with opportunities to volunteer at our junior training sessions.

Volunteering is a great way to gain confidence, and new skills to support university or job applications; leadership, communication skills, dependability, time management, and decision making.

Duke of Edinburgh

Many young members may wish to use hockey for their Duke of Edinburgh.

This could be as a physical activity for those who already play, a new skill for those new to the sport (playing or umpiring), or volunteering at our junior training sessions.

Skill/Physical Section

Please ensure you ask/make your coach aware that you would like to use hockey for your Duke of Edinburgh at the beginning of the season.


If you are interested, please contact us via the contact form below and we will be in touch with more information on the options available:

Sharon Ely


Whichever section of your Duke of Edinburgh award you are working towards, please download & print our CCHC DofE log sheet. You should get this signed at each session so we can keep track, and sign off your activity once completed.

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Our Partners

Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
Burleigh Arms
Town & Gown
Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
Burleigh Arms
Town & Gown
East Hockey
England Hockey
Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
East Hockey
England Hockey
Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
🚨 Monday senior training (17 Feb) is CANCELLED due to forecast freezing temperatures 🚨
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