Registration Information


Senior Section

Cambridge City HC welcomes new adult players. Please contact our club captains if you are interested in joining, and register on our player platform on the Teamo App.

Youth Section

We are a non selective family club, aiming to serve the local hockey community. Some of our age groups are very popular and have a waiting list, so we may not be able to confirm a place immediately.

If you would like to apply for a place please message us at:

Please have a look round our website to see what the club has to offer. Any questions, please ask 😀

Our Partners

Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
Burleigh Arms
Town & Gown
Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
Burleigh Arms
Town & Gown
East Hockey
England Hockey
Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
East Hockey
England Hockey
Club Mark
Cambridge Talent Academy
🚨 Monday senior training (17 Feb) is CANCELLED due to forecast freezing temperatures 🚨
members nameclub role
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