Masters Hockey

The beauty of hockey is that anyone can play. Masters Hockey provides a great platform for players to come together in their age groups and renew old friendships and rivalries. In 2021-22, CCHC entered teams into the Men' O50s, Womens O35s & Women's O45s Masters Club Championships, and plans to do the same for the 2022-23 season.

If your club club doesn't field a Masters team in the right age group for you, CCHC welcomes guest players from other clubs to play with our teams in the EH Masters Club Championship competitions!

Masters Hockey Membership is £30.

This is to cover the cost of:

  • Insurance
  • Equipment - first aid kits, ice packs (many!), balls, bibs, cones etc
  • Competition entries
  • Administration costs

Standard match fees apply - £12.50 (Full) or £8.40 (concession)

If you are interested in playing, please contact:

Tim Ireland


Laurel Tully


Chanre Bond


Game Management System (GMS)

Are you registered on GMS?

The new Game Management System (GMS) is being rolled out for the management of all fixtures, and it is very likely this will include the England Hockey Masters Club Championship competitions this season. An important part of this system is that every CCHC player will need to register with CCHC on the system, and this will form the basis for online teamsheets for every game, irrespective of area or level of the game.

If you have not already done so, please register here.

If you are playing your Masters hockey with 'CCHC' as a guest from your primary club, we can ask GMS to add Cambridge City HC to your profile as a secondary club. Please contact one of our GMS Club Admins (see contacts).

For more information on GMS & how to register you can head to the England Hockey website.

Our Partners

Burleigh Arms
Cambridge Talent Academy
Club Mark
Town & Gown
Burleigh Arms
Cambridge Talent Academy
Club Mark
Town & Gown
East Hockey
England Hockey
East Hockey
England Hockey
members nameclub role
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