All East Area Regulations & Supporting documents can be found at the following link to the East Area website:
Selection Exemption Pass (SXP)
For the 2024-25 season clubs / teams wishing to request a selection exemption pass for a player shall do so by completing the online form here:
A direct link will be placed on the East Website as well.
A sub-committee will review all submissions and either approve or reject on the basis of evidence supplied and GMS data. The sub-committee has been set up on a quadrant basis, however will work together to generate consensus and cover for absences. The SXP sub-committee will review all SXP requests submitted by 8pm Wednesday reviewed prior to Saturdays matches, for those received after this time, they will try to review as many as possible prior to the match day. For any submission after the deadline whereby confirmation hasn’t been received, the committee will consider receipt of the form as a request prior to the match, however playing the player(s) in question is at the Teams risk.
Cambridge City Hockey Club aims to provide a fun and safe environment where people can play hockey. CCHC has adopted the England Hockey guidance on safeguarding and protecting young people in hockey and has a number of club policies.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Club Welfare Officer:
Regardless of the activity taking place, whether in a game or training, CCHC beleives that creating a safe environment for everyone involved in hockey is essential, and we follow the England Hockey Safe Hockey Guidance.
All teams and coaching groups are provided with a First Aid Kit for the administration of first aid to injured players. It is the responsibility of the responsible club officer (usually a captain or coach) to check all parts are present and in date. For more serious injuries, medical assistance should be sought.
University of Cambridge Sports Service ensure at least one member of the duty personnel at Wilberforce Road Sports Ground during CCHC sessions is a qualified first aider. Responsible officers should know how to contact them in an emergency, and also ensure they have access to a phone to contact the emergency services if required.
Please report any injuries via our online reporting form using the link below:
The defibrillator is located in reception, on the wall on the left of the reception desk and will be accessible at all times the site is in use.
Always ensure you have access to a phone to call emergency services if they are required.
For home fixtures at Wilberforce Road, the address for emergency services is:
Please be aware that the postcode for WRSG is the same as for Emmanuel College Sports Ground next door. Send someone to meet & direct the ambulance in the event of an emergency. University Staff will help with this if requested.
You may want to consider downloading and using What3Words App to confirm a location to emergency services in the event you are uncertain, for example at an away location.
The nearest hospital with an A&E department is Addenbrookes Hospital (Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ).
All hockey clubs have a duty of care towards young people in the sport. CCHC will ensure a young person’s parent or guardian is informed of any injury sustained whilst participating in hockey activity, that the individual(s) responsible for the delivery of hockey activity have access to relevant medical information, and that parent/guardian contact details are readily available in case of an emergency for all junior players.
CCHC is strongly committed to ensuring the safety and integrity of hockey and all those who participate in the sport. To ensure the continued safety of all members, CCHC has adopted the England Hockey Injury Reporting Policy:
It is really important that the club holds a record of any injuries to its players. A 'CCHC Injury Reporting Form' MUST be completed for any player who has to leave the field of play as a result of injury, or who requires treatment during any CCHC hockey activity.
CCHC is then required to report any injuries meeting the following criteria to England Hockey (this report is anonymous and will be completed by the Safeguarding & Welfare Officer):
Concussion must be taken extremely seriously. Any player with a diagnosed or suspected concussion will be removed from the field of play. If a diagnosis of concussion is confirmed, players must go through a graduated return to play (GRTP) protocol. For players under the age of 18, the minimum number of days to return to competetive play is 23.
Athletes upto the age of 18 years
14 days
Progress through stages every 48 hours if asymptomatic
Day 23 post injury
Athletes aged 18 years and over
24 hours free of all symptoms
Progress through stages every 24 hours if asymptomatic
Day 6 post injury
CCHC has adopted and follows the standards and values outlined in the Code of Ethics and Behaviour booklet, also known as Respect, which forms the basis of our Club Code of Conduct.
Hockey is a sport that should be enjoyed by all who participate, be it as a player, official, volunteer or spectator. By adopting this code, England Hockey & CCHC believe that the highest standards of integrity can be held at all levels of the game and can therefore ensure the sport is enjoyable for everyone. The code applies to all players, coaches & volunteers who are involved in hockey at all levels.
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.